Registry Guide for Windows Registry Guide for Windows
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Home : Software : pcAnywhere

Display Host in List (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
The registry entry allows the host to respond to remote requests for names. Thus, by disabling the registry item, you can hide the host from users scanning the network.

Add an Additional Delay to Browse Packets (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
Use this setting when remotes display an incomplete list of TCP/IP hosts in the host list over a WAN or LAN connection.

Connect to TCP/IP Hosts With Unknown Status (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
This registry entry allows a remote to try to connect to a host if the host's status is unknown. The usual reason for not knowing the host's status is that direct packets have been filtered by a firewall between the host and the remote.

Configure the TCP/IP Data Port (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
Use this setting to select which TCP data port pcANYWHERE32 uses.

Configure the TCP/IP Status Port (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
Use this setting to select which TCP status port pcAnywhere uses.

Port Compatibility with Legacy Versions (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
pcANYWHERE32 8.0 hosts and remotes can connect to earlier hosts and remotes without any registry changes. You may want to turn off compatibility to limit network traffic or allow third party applications that have registered the ports that earlier versions of pcANYWHERE32 7.x and pcAnywhere 2.0 were using.

TCP/IP Broadcast Mode (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
Use this setting to turn off or modify pcANYWHERE32's broadcast options to limit network traffic when the remote browses for a host.

TCP/IP Query Interval (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
Use this setting to limit network traffic. Sometimes the additional network queries to refresh the browse list will interfere with getting status lights or making connections.

Configure the Winsock Buffer Size (pcAnywhere) (All Windows) Popular
Use this registry item to set the size in bytes of TCP's Winsock buffer. Using a large value may increase the throughput of connections where the delay is large in relation to the bandwidth. This includes Internet, ISDN, RAS, dial-up networking, WAN and satellite connections.

Compatibility with the OnNet 2.1 TCP/IP Stack (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
This registry item resolves an issue where pcAnywhere displayed the wrong host IP address when using FTP's OnNet 2.1 TCP/IP stack.

Prompt for TCP/IP Host (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
This registry item allows a TCP/IP remote to specify an IP address or name when you leave the "Host To Connect To" field blank.

Adapter Binding Mode (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
This registry item allows a waiting host to bind to a new adapter, such as a dial-up adapter, without reinitializing the host.

TCP/IP Host Binding Mode (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
This registry item allows you to specify whether the host will wait on the first TCP/IP address given by the operating system, or whether it will wait on the TCP/IP index as indicated by TCPIPHostAddressIndex.

Specify Host Mode TCP/IP Address (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
This registry item allows you to specify which TCP/IP address index the host will wait on.

Multicast Packet Delay (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
This sets the delay in milliseconds between each send. This is useful if multicast error correction is disabled.

Configure the Multicast Data Port (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
This setting selects the port that the multicast data is sent to.

Multicast Error Correction (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
This sets the level of error correction used on the host. The host specifies which level of error correction the remotes will use.

Multicast Adapter Selection (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
Use this registry item for a multihomed, multicast host that is not binding to the correct network card. This can be why none of the remotes receive the multicast packets.

Configure Multicast Send and Receive Buffers (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
These registry items set the number of receive and send buffers when using an error correction multicast session. For slow remotes, a larger value may lead to less data loss.

Multicast Maximum Transmission Unit (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
This registry item sets the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) in bytes. The MTU is the maximum bytes that may be sent as one IP multicast packet.

Multicast Winsock Receive Buffer (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
This registry item sets the size in bytes of the Winsock receive buffer.

Ignore DSR on Serial Devices (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
Use this item for modems or other serial devices that do not initialize correctly because their DSR is not initially set. It is also useful if the modem connection does not have a DSR line.

Change Serial 56K Connection Speed (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
Use this item when a serial connection can be made at 38,400 bps and 115,000 bps, but not at 57,600 bps.

TAPI Modem Errors (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
Each time you add a TAPI modem, it generates a unique TAPI Permanent Line ID which is stored in pcANYWHERE32's connection items. If you no longer have a modem with this unique ID, pcANYWHERE32 displays an error message. This registry key tells pcANYWHERE32 how to handle this situation.

Configure IPX Search Mode (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
This registry item enables the SAP method of network search instead of using the bindery when making IPX connections.

Hide the Record Session Button (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
Use this registry key to hide the Record Session icon from the remote session toolbar.

Remote Printer Inactivity Time-out (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
Use this setting if a print job is being separated into multiple jobs during remote printing. This item sets the inactivity time-out for the remote printing facility.

Configure Legacy Remote Print Mode (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
This setting specifies the default print destination when connecting to a pcAnywhere 2.0 or 5.0 host.

Show Full Screen Reminder Message (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
This setting turns the Full Screen Reminder Message on or off.

Host Connection Time-Out (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
If pcAnywhere host does not respond, hang up. This is useful for scripts that call systems where a modem will answer, but the pcAnywhere host may not be running.

Run Smart Setup (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
This setting controls whether SmartSetup is run when pcAnywhere is loaded for the first time.

Run the pcAnywhere Service in Stealth Mode (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
Use this setting to hide the Host Waiting icon and Waiting dialog.

Use Computer Name Instead of Caller Name (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
When this key is set, if a host has the "Prompt to confirm connection" option checked, the host computer's prompt dialog will display the remote's computer name instead of the caller's name when a connection is made.

Wait for Call After Disconnect (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
If enabled, the host will not wait for a call when the remote disconnects.

Configure Persistent Cache (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
This setting turns pcAnywhere's persistent cache feature on or off.

Multi-Processor Options (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
This registry item specifies which processors pcANYWHERE32 8.0 will run on.

Prompt If Logged Out (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
This registry key allows you to specify how pcANYWHERE32 will handle a remote connection when the pcANYWHERE32 host is waiting at the Windows NT login screen and the "Prompt On Connection" and "Disconnect On Timeout" options have been checked.

Speed Send File Size Limits (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
The minimum size a file must be for SpeedSend to work is 10K. You can change this value.

Confirm File Send (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
When this setting is disabled, the remote does not display the confirm prompt when sending a file.

Confirm File Delete (pcAnywhere) (All Windows)
When this setting is disabled, the remote does not display the confirm prompt when deleting a file.

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